Deion Sanders still has a full college season left to coach his son Shedeur Sanders and possibly two with Travis...
Travis Hunter just achieved yet another major milestone — buying his mom a house. Travis Hunter surprised his Mom with...
With spring practice underway at Colorado there will be a lot of focus on the wide receivers because of the...
Colorado defensive coordinator Robert Livingston knows that the Buffaloes’ defense will be an area to watch when spring practice begins...
Travis Hunter has without question been one of Deion Sanders' most talked about players this season. 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 It's not a...
Coach Deion Sanders and The Colorado Buffaloes are looking to gain back the momentum they had in the opening week...
College football began in full force on Saturday, with an incredible slate of games across every conference. Fans across America...
The Colorado Buffaloes are facing a ton of doubters heading into the first season of Coach Prime's reign. But one...
One of the tightest bonds in the Colorado locker room exists between Travis Hunter and Shedeur Sanders. The Buffs quarterback...
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